Candidate Experience matters

How do you define a successful candidate experience for your company?


At Elvis Eckardt Recruitment & Sales Solutions Limited we have established the following process (please note this process works for us, for your business you probably have a total different approach):


Initially we survey our candidates. We do this by understanding how they feel after the first key interactions. These interactions could be an interview, an assessment or just general conversations with us.

This helps us to put ourselves into our candidates shoes and understand our own recruitment process to the fullest.


With that in mind we can easily fix and optimize little things which haven´t worked up to this point.


As a company you always have to understand who your audience is and what they want from you as a company.


A big task is to create content which adds value to our candidates needs (and wants). Whether they are successful in the process or not we are in it for the long run. This is a marathon, not a sprint.


Here we start to measure the cost (Euro, Pounds whatever) of a good or bad candidate experience. We don´t just share the success stories internally, we make sure that the horror stories are understood and the process is optimized thereafter to never let this happen again.


The last step is to understand that marketing is an investment, not a cost factor. To improve our candidate experience we use marketing, analytics, customer experience and brand development tools to optimize our process.


How do you measure if your candidate experience is what you want it to be?


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You can find the Original Post Here.