In a room full of wallflowers, be the wildflower.
You will be remembered.
Not sure about you but when I was in school I just wanted to be like everyone else. Attention wasn't something I was craving for.
Being an adolescent child can be hard at times and we find our authenticity sometimes just that bit further down the road.
My aha moment came when I finished my A- levels. I knew I wasn't going to university and having lived by myself from being 15 in a professional youth academy set up of a then 2nd Bundesliga team in Germany I learned to stand on my own 2 feet quite early in life.
I couldn't pretend that I was just like everybody else because well I just wasn't, and I don’t want my beautiful daughter growing up to pretend she is just like everyone else because she’s not either.
I want her to grow up being true to herself from a young age.
In today's society people are quick to judge others as "weird" and put other ugly labels on them but what they forget is that "normal" is a relative term and that our realities are very different.
Here's to all the wildflowers out there.
You can find the Original Post HERE.