My Thoughts on Depression

I love my mother to bits.


She was my stronghold when I was young and still is to this day.


What makes this so special is that she struggles with mental health issues for a very long time now.

She is the strongest person I know.


Depression is real.


Not talking about it doesn't make it go away.


It takes away the very things that we need to allow us to get things done.


It takes away motivation.

It takes away energy.

It takes away desire

It take away willpower.


What people are left with is the perfect vicious circle.


They want to do things but lack all of the above.


They then feel guilt for lacking all of the above which feeds back into the depression itself and so the cycle continues.


With depression it can appear that a person doesn’t want to do things but nothing could be further from the truth.


It’s not that they don’t want do do it, after years of depression they generally have lost the ability to do so.


This is not a post to give clever advice, this is a post to raise awareness.


If you have somebody in your inner circle you think could do with some positive reinforcement over the festive period please reach out to them.


It makes a difference.


You can find the Original Post HERE.