Is It Time to Let Go of Your Employee? - Guest Post by Ivy Crawford

The right employees can help your business grow and thrive. But when one of them doesn't meet expectations, you might have second thoughts about keeping them. If you've given them enough time to improve, yet you see no improvement, it may be time to decide whether you should keep the employee or just fire them. Presented below by Elvis Eckardt Recruitment & Sales Solutions Limited, this article talks about when to let go of an employee, how to talk to them, and what you can do to protect your business. 


When to Let Go of a Contractor or an Employee


You can let go of a contractor if they fail to fulfill the required services. They may also be held liable for damages if they signed a legally binding contract with you. Make sure the contract clearly states how the task should be performed, and you have proof they failed to deliver. 


While not having the right skills for the position is one factor to consider when firing an employee, you may need to also let go of a talented team member who lacks integrity or doesn't live up to the company values. Work ethic is another factor to look at — if they're constantly late or consistently fail to meet deadlines, it may be time to let them go. When they negatively impact the entire team or are always lying, this could also be grounds for termination. 


How to let an Employee go


One of the most difficult things to do as an employer is to let go of an employee. It's best to do this in private, perhaps in the person's office, so they're comfortable. Bring the employee's file with you along with previous warnings that have led to the termination. 


If you've already issued warnings, and the employee still hasn't improved, they may already expect to be fired. Calmly state the reasons you're letting the employee go, and try not to sound like you're apologizing. Depending on the type of work the person does, there might be a need for them to stay for a few days and assist their replacement.


Steps to Take to Protect Your Business


A careful assessment is necessary before firing an employee. Consult with the human resources department, and make sure you don't violate any laws regarding employment. Also, keep in mind that employees need to receive their final work pay and other unpaid benefits, such as paid vacation leave. You may need to file the paperwork for this either by yourself or through HR, if available. 


Talk to Your Team Members


Firing someone also impacts your business as a whole. The rest of your team members, especially those not performing well, may be concerned about getting fired too. Lighten their mood by planning a team breakfast or lunch, perhaps. You may want to also talk to the rest of them and refresh all of them regarding the rules and their responsibilities. 


Firing an Employee Is Sometimes Necessary 


Letting an employee go is sometimes the right thing to do if you want the business to succeed. Just ensure you're making the right decision and you know what to do to protect your business after firing someone. And if you’re ready to start looking for employees you can trust, get in touch with Elvis Eckardt Recruitment & Sales Solutions Limited to help with recruitment, training, and HR management and payroll.


About the Author: 


Ivy Crawford is a graphic designer and artist. After several years with a major marketing firm, she recently started her own graphic design business. She is enjoying getting to work more closely with her clients, building relationships with other creatives, and learning the ins and outs and ups and downs of running her own business. She started Creative Home Biz to share all the business advice she is finding helpful along the way.




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